Cisium, Inc., Website Closing

It has been a very long journey for Cisium, Inc. website. It started in 2007 and this year finally I shut it down. I created the site using Joomla!, it overcome one major update in 2010. To use Joomla! as content management system has not been a pleasant job. In my experience Joomla! is slow and the administration is heavy. After many years using Joomla! in many websites, I don’t think it will use it anymore.

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Cisium, Inc. My Own Company

The idea came at the end of 2008, when I reflected on the fact that many multinational companies are located in low-cost countries, normally underdeveloped, for product manufacturing and service support. The fact is that those multinational companies, such as HP, Lexmark, Lear, etc. They have a financial capacity large enough to locate impressive manufacturing and engineering complexes in inhospitable places. The attempt to extrapolate the same concept to medium and small companies was very complicated, numerous barriers such as financing, language, culture, etc. They made the strategy unfeasible.

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