The website where Raúl Bartolomé shares articles, downloads and projects on engineering, management and finance.
Download dozens of academic documents on electronic engineering, business administration and finance.

Welcome to my website, I am Raúl Bartolomé an engineering director, entrepreneur, investor and financial advisor.
I use this platform for multiple proposes. In About Raúl, I proudly share an excerpt of my curriculum vitae, with my professional experience, university degrees and a list of professional strengths.
In the section Projects, I capture some of my most outstanding professional projects. My fields of expertise are automotive, electronics, software and finance.
In Downloads, I make available many academics works of my university degrees. The courseworks about management and finance are especially abundant, but you also can find some related to electronic and software engineering. The works are only available in the course language of the degree, consequently some are visible in English and others in Spanish.
In the chapter Articles, I share original opinions of very diverse subjects, with special emphasis in finance, technology and management.
If you have any question or comment, I will be glad to answer you back.