Undoubtedly I have to do a post today, unfortunately because Dennis Ritchie, a person founded on the gestation and development of the Unix operating system and the C programming language, has died at the age of 70.

Anyway, thank you very much Dennis for your contribution to the history of humanity, I have not used any other language like C so passionately and with such fervor. Well lately I have to say that Microsoft guys have done a masterful job with C#.
The book, “The C Programming Language”, an inseparable companion during my university days, is being a fundamental regency for my Filipino engineers. The chapters on pointers and structures, explained simply and progressively, are of great help to the insufficiently versed in C and recent graduates of Philippine engineers.
Thinking of C evokes an extreme degree of intellectual satisfaction, very remarkable degrees of abstraction, bridging the gap with C ++. I have not enjoyed so much as designing my own basic operating system, with or without eviction, which by the way I have decided to discontinue due to the many open source options available.
Lately I am using C as a vehicular language in firmware application development. Using an RTOS real-time operating system and my own Moore state machine architecture, C is the inseparable companion.
Sorry, I can’t mention the book “The C Programming Language” without considering the right arm Brian Wilson Kernighan, and while we’re on the mentions, let me quote another of the programming books that have nicked me: “Programming Microsoft Visual C ++ ¨ David Kruglinski, George Shepherd, Scot Wingo.
Incidentally, it happened after the death of Steve Jobs, a greedy despot, who exploited engineers.