The goal of the article “Organizational Ethics, Individual Ethics, and Ethical Intentions in International Decision-Making” from Elango, et al. (2010) is to “test the relationship between Individual Ethics (IE) and Organizational Ethics (OE) on the intention to behave ethically by respondents (Ethical Intention or EI)” in international decision-making environments. This is the business research question although is not explicitly highlighted. The term “test the relationship” is ambiguous, it does not explain what relationship will be tested.

The discussion is narrative and coherent with the data analysis results. The results give arguments to the authors to make four recommendations. Firstly, the company should select recruiters with high ethical standards to increase OE. Secondly, training programs or actual examples of ethical dilemmas to improve IE. Thirdly, younger managers are more likely to be influenced by OE. Finally, ethical congruence is important in international business (Elango, et al., 2010).

This paper is a good piece of work, well-structured and with a solid literature review, however it has been identified some weakness during this critical analysis. Probably authors were biased by existing literature and forgot some critical analysis.

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