Last February I submitted the last dissertation for my MBA at University of Bradford. Naturally it was the master thesis or Management Project, a work that took me a solid year to accomplish. I’m especially proud of my last piece of work “VIX as Predictor Variable of Stock Market Returns”, a culmination of my specialisation in finance.
The MBA program at University of Bradford consisted of 15 modules. By order of execution: Marketing, Operations Management, Managerial and Professional Development, Managing People, Business Ethics and Sustainability, Business Research, Business Accounting, Business Economics, International Business Strategy, Project Management, International Financial Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, Strategic Management, Management Project. In the page modules you can find those modules that required a written assignment, they were the majority (11 over 15).
The learning journey has not been exempted from challenges. I started the program when I was resident in China, I coursed the center the program when I was living in Austria and I finished the studies here in Germany. Definitely it was a good decision to take the program as distance learning, the only way to reconcile my mobility needs and working demands.
As an engineer I was a little bit reluctant of the benefits that the MBA could grant me, however my opinion changed positively during the years while I was learning more and more modules. It is worth to mention that the program helped me in the next aspects:
- Acquisition of the formal management and business education. I understood the foundation of a MBA program, rooted in social sciences, economics and many other disciplines. I believe that my MBA was a key factor for being hired as Engineering Director at Harman International.
- Improvement of english language skills, specially in comprehension, reading and writing. This came naturally because I coursed a program in a UK University.
- Learning the foundation to improve my financial investment skills. The modules Accounting, Business Economics, International Financial Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Finance and Management Project gave me a gigantic step in my understanding of economics and finance.
The big draw back of the distance learning education is that requires a strong discipline in solitude and the networking with fellow students is significantly diminished.